Crystal Elixirs
Crystal Essences & Elixirs
A crystal elixir is water that carries the essential specific energy of a donor crystal. It is the energy pattern of a crystal imprinted into the auric and biophysical matrix of water.
Although we cannot yet fully understand the science behind it until the field of quantum physics matures, crystal essences and elixirs have been used for thousands of years.
Ancient Chinese texts from 600AD discuss creation of elixirs from precious stones. Vedic texts dating as far back as 3000BC also mention the use of gemstone essences and elixirs. In ancient Greece and medieval Europe powdered gemstones were used to treat a host of ailments.
Crystals have a structure called a lattice. It is an organisation of molecules in a specific reoccurring pattern. For example like the structure of DNA.

Quartz and Sodalite Atomic Structure (via Open Geology)
This pattern affects the way the crystal grows and contributes significantly to its unique abilities to absorb, focus and amplify the Universal Life Force.
The vibrations at the molecular level within the lattice form resonances that reintroduce healthy stability on the biomolecular level when there is an out-of-balance energy within an organism.
These molecular level vibrations can essentially imprint patterns in the auric and biomolecular fields of water which then in turn can pass on those vibratory healing patterns to another auric or biomolecular field, like that of a person, animal, or plant.
Water takes on the sight, smell, taste, feel, and mood of its environment.
As it can absorb sights, smells, tastes, feelings, and emotions, so can water absorb the healing, cleansing, renewing, calming, invigorating, empowering energies of the Mineral Kingdom. All crystals are composed of one or more minerals which are the source of the life force for the Plant and Animal Kingdoms. Water is a part of the natural environment and has a well-known affinity for minerals. Both crystalline minerals and water are essential building blocks of our natural environment - our home - our Earth. So our second ingredient for crystal elixirs is water. Natural spring water is well recommended.
The research conducted by Masaru Emoto allows us to delve deeper into how water absorbs energy

(Via Wikipedia)
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Indirect or direct method?
This depends most importantly on the toxicity of the crystal being used. Many crystals are toxic so it is VERY important to ensure you are familiar with the toxicity of the crystal used in the direct method.
The direct method is the process of placing the crystal directly into the water.
You place the crystal directly into a glass container and add water directly to fill. Cover the glass with a lid to keep out contaminants and leave in sunlight/moonlight for a few hours.
The indirect method (which is the method implemented by our bottles)
In this method, the crystal is placed on a barrier medium that is in contact with the water.
The barrier medium is used to transfer the subtle energy of the crystal, but prevent the transfer of potential harmful chemicals from the crystal to the water.
Most crystal essences are made by this method. Many crystals contain toxic chemicals that can leach into water. Crystals containing lead, mercury, and copper for example, can only be safely used in essence preparation using the Indirect Immersion method.
Using gem essences
Crystal essences and elixirs bring the healing power of a specific crystal (essence) or group of crystals (elixir) to humans, plants, or animals (living entities).
For internal use, Michael Gienger tells us in Gem Waters that "when a crystal elixir is taken internally, its holistic effects are released on all levels (physical, emotional, and spiritual)."