

Selenite is a calm stone that instils deep peace and is excellent for meditation and spiritual work. These are powerful high vibration healing crystals for you to use, that also deliver the clarity of mind, by cleansing the aura of negative energy build-up, both within the physical and the etheric body.


Because of its white, moon-like effect from cleavage surfaces or the quality of light transmitted through it, this crystal was named selēnitēs (literally “moon stone”), from the Greek word selēnē (Moon).


Selenite is a wonderful talisman for women, bringing radiance and harmony, and support through all cycles of life. Wear in jewellery to attract love, fertility, and to maintain fidelity; also to induce calm throughout pregnancy and motherhood.



Selenite may be used to assist in treatments to correct disorders or deformities of the skeletal system, and for stabilizing epileptic disorders. It is thought to ameliorate illnesses caused by mercury poisoning from dental amalgam, and to prevent and reverse the effects of “free radicals.” Selenite may be used as an emotional stabilizer to calms mood swings and aid attention deficit disorder and can be utilized as a boost for youthfulness and vitality, and to help extend one’s life span.



Scientific Information:



Formula- CaSO4·2H2O

Crystal System- Monoclinic

Mohs Scale- 2

Colour- Pure White, Orange, Blue, Brown, Green

Rarity- Common

Sources- United States, Mexico, Russia, Austria, Greece, Poland, Germany, France, England

Birthstone Month- 

Zodiac Correspondences- Taurus

Chakra- Crown




Miller J. 2016 Jewel- A celebration of Earth's Treasures. London: Dorling Kindersley. 

Hall J. 2003 The Crystal Bible- A definitive guide to Crystals. Hampshire: Godsfield Press

Mason M. 2008 The Seven Secrets of Crystal Talismans, USA: Llewellyn 


Web Sources:


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