Rhodochrosite Properties
Rhodochrosite creates deep emotional healing. Known as the Stone of the Compassionate Heart, Rhodochrosite symbolizes selfless love, moving one beyond mere empathy but stirring one to action on others’ behalf. Rhodochrosite, however, directs that love first toward the self for the specific purpose of emotional healing.
Its name comes from the Greek words for pink and colour, named because most of this stone comes in one of the shades of pink.
Pink Rhodochrosite has powerful energy within the heart chakra, and like most heart chakra stones vibrates with the energy of love.
Rhodochrosite contains manganese, an important physiological component of the body necessary for bone growth, tissue repair, and assimilation of minerals. Rhodochrosite is traditionally used to assist the heart and circulatory systems, stabilize blood pressure and pulse rate and placed at the base of the skull, to relieve tension migraines. It is thought to correct thyroid imbalances, and remove irritants from the lungs, ameliorating breathing problems and asthma. Though, not a cure, it provides remarkable relief for the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, and some cases of multiple sclerosis, especially when used in conjunction with Rhodonite. It can also be of benefit in withdrawal from caffeine and other stimulants.
User notes:
I absolutely adore Rhodochrosite. I use this stone whenever I want to feel a deep sense of love for myself and all things. Whenever I use this stone, I feel greatly healed and an optimistic lightness. Strangers always talk to me about personal issues when I wear this stone. It's like for that moment I provided some kind of healing for them.
Scientific Information:
Formula- MnCO3
Crystal System- Rhombohedral and scalenohedral crystals
Mohs Scale- 3.5 - 4
Colour- Pink to Orange
Rarity- Common
Sources- United States, South Africa, Russia, Argentina, Uraguay
Birthstone Month- October
Zodiac Correspondences- Leo, Scorpio
Chakra- Heart
Miller J. 2016 Jewel- A celebration of Earth's Treasures. London: Dorling Kindersley.
Hall J. 2003 The Crystal Bible- A definitive guide to Crystals. Hampshire: Godsfield Press
Mason M. 2008 The Seven Secrets of Crystal Talismans, USA: Llewellyn
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