

Pyrite Properties

Iron Pyrite is a strong stone to promote positive thinking and manifestation. It is a beautiful gold colour, and for hundreds of years it has been known as 'Fools Gold'

It will attract vibrant energy to your business when placed on the desk and will also boost your energy levels. Pyrite encourages self-worth and imparts energy to take action. Use pyrite for added energy and zeal to your being.

Its name comes from the Greek word for 'fire' because when you strike it against another rock, it gives off sparks and it causes a spark when it is hit with steel.
The vibration of Fools Gold helps to strengthen your willpower and may help you to conquer bad habits, and assist you to put new ideas for improved health outcomes into practice in your daily life.
Wearing it will help to enhance your creativity and it will aid the flow of thoughts and new ideas.

Tumbled Pyrite 


Iron Pyrite treats bones and stimulates cellular formation, repairs DNA damage, aligns meridians and aids sleep disturbed by gastric upset. It strengthens the digestive tract and neutralises ingested toxins, benefits the circulatory and respiratory systems, and boosts oxygen in the bloodstream. Iron Pyrite is beneficial for the lungs, alleviating asthma and bronchitis.

User notes:

I use pyrite as a stone of luck in wealth and prosperity. Whenever I feel like I'm not within that high vibrational point of attraction or my energies are a little low, adding pyrite to my pendant helps to bring a sense of optimism and joy It adds a vibrancy to my aura which then, in turn, gives me an unshakable certainty that prosperity, luck and success is undoubtedly mine.

Scientific Information:

Minerals: Iron Sulphide
Formula: FeS2
Crystal System: Cubic
Mohs Scale: 6-6.5
Colour- Pale-brass yellow, Gold or Brownish
Rarity- Common
Sources- Britain, North America. Chile, Peru
Birthstone Month: July 22- August 21
Zodiac Correspondences: -
Chakra: All, Solar Plexus

Amulet: As an amulet, Pyrite is an ENHANCER


Miller J. 2016 Jewel- A celebration of Earth's Treasures. London: Dorling Kindersley.

Hall J. 2003 The Crystal Bible- A definitive guide to Crystals. Hampshire: Godsfield Press

Mason M. 2008 The Seven Secrets of Crystal Talismans, USA: Llewellyn

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