Herkimer Diamond Properties

Herkimer Diamond Properties

Herkimer Diamond Properties

This stone energizes, enlivens, and promotes creativity. It is said to attune people together when they have to be parted: each person should retain a stone. Herkimer diamonds are one of the strongest stones for clearing electromagnetic pollution or radioactivity. 


Herkimer Diamond is a Detoxificant. It protects against radioactivity and treats dis-ease caused by contact; relieves insomnia caused by electromagnetic pollution and eliminates stress and tension for the body. 

User notes

"I mainly use Herkimer Diamond as an amplifier for other crystals. Sometimes when I have smaller tumble stones such as Moldavite. This stone will help to amplify its effects." 


Hall J. 2003 The Crystal Bible- A definitive guide to Crystals. Hampshire: Godsfield Press
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