Celestite Properties
Celestite has a high vibration and is a teacher for the new age. It jump-starts spiritual development and urges you toward enlightenment. This beautiful stone promotes purity of heart and attracts good fortune. Celestite is a creative stone, especially useful for the arts.
The meaning of its name comes from the Latin 'coelestis', meaning 'heavenly'
Its energy while you sleep imbues you with a positive vibration, that will stay with you in the morning.
Celestite is a lovely mineral that exudes a quite positive healing vibration, and will also help to clear negative energy, and has the healing qualities of assisting the lungs and breathing.
User Notes:
"Using celestite in the bedroom promotes peaceful sleep and a constant calming and cleansed energy."
Scientific Information:
Minerals- Strontium sulfate
Formula- SrSO4
Crystal System- Orthorhombic
Mohs Scale- 3-3.5
Colour- Blue, Yellow, Red, White
Rarity- Common
Sources- Britain, Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Libya, Madagascar
Birthstone Month- Springtime
Zodiac Correspondences- Gemini, Cancer
Chakra- Throat
Miller J. 2016 Jewel- A celebration of Earth's Treasures. London: Dorling Kindersley.
Hall J. 2003 The Crystal Bible- A definitive guide to Crystals. Hampshire: Godsfield Press
Mason M. 2008 The Seven Secrets of Crystal Talismans, USA: Llewellyn
Web Sources: