Blue Lace Agate Properties

Blue Lace Agate Properties

Blue Lace Agate Properties 

Blue Lace Agate is a wonderful healing stone. Its soft energy is cooling and calming and brings peace of mind. It is particularly good for allowing free expression of thoughts and feelings. 

This stone helps to counteract repression and suppression of feelings that stem from a fear of being judged and rejected. 

Emotionally the peaceful energies exuded from this stone work to neutralise feelings of anger. It helps to bring a deep sense of peace with all. 



Blue Lace Agate is a powerful throat healer. It's property of counteracting blocked self-expression releases shoulder and neck problems, thyroid deficiencies, and throat and lymph infections. It treats arthritic and bone deformity, strengthening the skeletal system and healing fractures. Blue lace Agate can also be used in sound healing- it focuses and directs sound to the appropriate place.   

User notes 

"I love to use carnelian when I need to open up my communication. When I want to communicate clearly, precisely and with confidence." 


Hall J. 2003 The Crystal Bible- A definitive guide to Crystals. Hampshire: Godsfield Press
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