Charging into new territory

The Charging Bull of Wall Street by Arturo di Modica
The new moon in Taurus on the 19th of May 2023 at 16:53 gmt is an exciting breath of fresh air.
As we know, new moons are portals that give an opportunity to sow seeds with relation to the themes of the sign in which it takes place, and the vehicle being what house it takes place in for us based on our chart. Remember to check for your rising sign, Sun and moon.
Themes for Taurus include, money, stability, investment, luxury, self care, love, beauty, art, sensuality, perseverance, food, agriculture, earth, natural world, earthly pleasures, solidity, banking, natural resources.
Taurus is a fixed earth sign so intentions set now are to do with bringing things into the physical and the birth of ideas and circumstances that are tangible and will have longevity.
Where do you want to see growth, expansion and long term dividends? This new moon gives an opportunity to wipe the slate clean after the very intense eclipse season we’ve just had, and get back on track. This two week period will be a welcome and we can put sustained effort into new beginnings.
At the time of this new moon, Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus and the North Node are in the sign of Taurus adding their attributes to cosmic proceedings. Jupiter brings luck, ease and abundance so that what you sow seeds for can manifest long term growth.
Jupiter has newly moved into Taurus to begin a 1 year cycle so that means expansion, luck, abundance and renewal in whatever area of your chart is ruled by Taurus. Think back to 12 years ago. Can you remember where there was marked growth and upgrade in your world?
Mercury now in direct motion after its retrograde in Taurus is awake and ready; you can formulate and communicate your needs concisely without confusion. Keep in mind that Uranus brings shocks and surprises so there might be an element of the unexpected or perhaps your new ideas about how to build long term abundance are trailblazing and wildly innovative. You will need to see it through and this Taurus new moon will support you in doing so.
The north node represents the collective destiny and amplifies whatever it comes in contact with. You are not the only one thinking about resources. Both on the collective and individual level, there is a thirst for change and improvement with regards to Taurean themes as mentioned previously.
With Taurus being fixed earth, the new moon being so close to Uranus which can be chaotic, the north node and Jupiter involved, which are both astrology factors that make things bigger as well as the square to Pluto which rules over unexpected eruptions there could be some form of a natural disaster during this time.
Fellow earth signs Virgo and Capricorn will feel this new beginning in a positive way. Particularly if you have any planets at between 26-29 degrees of Taurus, then this should be a significant and easy-flowing new start for you.
Over the next year there will probably be a focus on land, food, natural resources, money, banking, financial institutions, property, even art….any Taurus ruled things will be more prominent in the collective consciousness over the next year.
With Uranus present in Taurus, on a collective level we can see massive fluctuations, innovation and change in these areas. However, Taurus is stability so whatever happens will eventually lead to stability in the long term but not without some crisis beforehand.
During this new moon, connect to the earth, do some gardening, plant some flowers, go for a walk in nature. It will help to ground your energies and provide some anchoring and stability so that you can be as sure of yourself as possible. There’s a lot going on and some of us are still catching a breath after those eclipses.
Always expect the unexpected but the unexpected is better managed when you have a good sense of solidity and stability just like the bull.
Ps. Wait until 5pm and through the coming couple of weeks to set intentions.
Xx Elizabeth Lopes
Check your rising sign for the areas in your life where you’ll experience the change being ushered by the new moon. This change can be jump started by external circumstances and you can also set your own intentions for growth within these themes:
Money, work, income, daily routines, values, material possessions, priorities, habits, work ethics, resources
Yourself, your appearance, transformative new beginnings in the entire trajectory of your life, your body, your attitude and approach towards life, your identity
Solitude, inner world, endings, healing, closure, spirituality, karma, old age, dreamworld, meditation, the hidden, subconscious mind, limiting beliefs
Social networks, groups, organizations, friends, social causes, social life, technology, hopes and wishes, future aspirations
Career, long-term goals, structure, status, reputation, public image, father figures, experts, fame
Travel, wisdom, philosophy, higher education, law, religion, cross cultural relations, learning, ethics and morals
Sex, intimacy, shared finances, inheritances, taxes, loans, assets, property, joint ventures, partners resources, deeper knowledge
One to one relationships, marriage, contracts, agreements, business partners, equality,
Health, fitness, work habits, daily work, pets, self organization, sense of purpose and usefulness, service given
Romance, love affairs, play, creativity, fertility, childlike spirit, joy, self expression, drama
Home, ancestral roots, family, self-care, emotions, foundations, mother, children, women, femininity
The mind, thinking, communication, siblings, social activities, interests, neighbors, short trips, local area