Redefining your strategies
Chart of new moon in Virgo showing grand Earth trine
On 15th of September 2023 we have a new moon in Virgo at 21 degrees.
This new moon ushers in beneficial energies to work with provided you are open to re editing, redoing and re-strategizing. Your Virgo ruled house is being given an opportunity for renewal. If you have any chart placements in Virgo, this new moon is all the more significant.
Keywords for Virgo include:
Adaptable, Alchemy, Analytical, Careful, Communication, Cool, Critical, Detailed, Diligent, Discerning, Discrimination, Efficiency, Fault-finding, Fastidious, Fussy, Hard worker, Helpful, Highly Strung, Humility, Intelligent, Mental agility, Meticulous, Modest, Observant, Order, Organized, Pedantic, Perfectionist, Practical, Precise, Productive, Reserved, Self-improvement, Sensible, Service, Skilful, Synthesis, Systematic, Unassuming
At the time of this new moon, you might be considering what needs to be done in order to manifest your desires. What loose ends need to be tied up and what actions are required to get the ball rolling. It is time to make sure everything is as close to perfection as possible. The previous new moon in Leo would have had you considering new creative ventures and things you wanted to manifest. During this new moon however, your thoughts will most likely be geared towards the logistics behind it all. The ruler of this new moon mercury being retrograde at the exact time of this new moon means rethinking your plans, making sure they are working well and going inwards to decide what your next steps will be.
An opposition from Neptune to this new moon adds an element of confusion. Neptune is foggy, nebulous and at its worst deceptive. So there could be a bit of confusion when it comes to deciding what actions to take and where best to direct your energies when it comes to manifesting your desires. How will you ground your ideas in reality? Looking back at those keywords Virgo is analytical, discriminating, detail oriented. So, write a list, do a brainstorm and decide what is truly important and what isn't. Strategizing and calibrating your plan of action can lead you towards the perfection you desire.
It is worth mentioning that Mercury turns direct and visible just a couple of hours after this lunation which is a fantastic omen for increasingly better clarity, clearer communications and smoother processes in our daily lives over the next couple of months. Looking a little bit closer at Mercury’s condition due to being ruler of this new moon, (new moon in Virgo and mercury rules Virgo) it is trine to Jupiter. This is auspicious. Mercury and Jupiter in a positive aspect together is joy, optimism and good news. This aspect is good for making plans based on good instincts, it is open-mindedness as well as having a progressive outlook.
The days following this new moon on the 15th is a fantastic time to enter into negotiations, sign contracts and organize any aspect of your world as required. Saturn opposing mercury might throw a bit of a spanner in the works with blockages in communication, boundaries that have to be worked round or very serious conversations but with Mercury being in such good conditions; exalted and dignified in Virgo going direct right after the new moon as well the positive aspects from other planets, it shouldn't be anything more than a small bump in the road. Virgo energies include hard work, diligence and order which Saturn most certainly appreciates. Approaching any blockages in this manner will help you get ahead.
Uranus is supportive during this new moon with a beautiful trine from Taurus to the Sun and Moon in Virgo. Through innovation, sudden ideas and impulses you can have better clarity and brilliant solutions and breakthroughs to any blockages you might encounter. Jupiter the great benefic is also close in conjunction with Uranus during this lunation blessing your desires with a sense of faith, good fortune and expansiveness.
Pluto also adds propitious support to this new moon in the form of a trine. Pluto keywords include renewal, transformation and evolution. Determined and diligent action will create the perfect conditions to manifest your desires.
The positive trine aspects previously mentioned including the Sun & Moon, Uranus and Pluto come together to form a grand earth trine. So if you'd like to go a little deeper take a look at what houses Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn occupy in your chart to get an idea of where energies are flowing smoothly and beneficially for you. These are the areas where you will be receiving a lot of cosmic support.
As usual, take a look at the house Virgo occupies in your natal chart for where these new beginnings will take place for you personally and where to best set your intentions for growth and transformation.
With lots of love,
Eli xx
For a detailed personal new moon report and guidance on how to best set your intentions, do get in touch via
Some keywords by sign for where this new moon is highlighting:
Self, appearance, personality
Mental health, addictions, spirituality
Networking, hopes and wishes
Foreign travel, higher education, belief system
Finances, shared assets, occult
Committed relationships and alliances
Physical health, daily work and routines
Dating, creativity
Home and family
Communication, siblings, neighbors
Income, finances