#16 The Tower: Upheaval, Revelation, Awakening
This new moon taking place on the 13th of November 2023, 09:27 AM at 20° is quite explosive. The major planetary players are Mars and Uranus. Mars is together with the new moon in Scorpio whilst Uranus is in Taurus which forms an opposition. A little background on the themes of these planets should set the scene for you in order that you understand the tense energies at play during this time.
Some keywords for Mars:
Action, aggression, anger, animus, assertiveness, courage, conquest, drive, energy, force, impulsiveness, initiative, libido, life force, lust, masculine archetype, passion, physical energy, rage, sex drive, strength, survival instinct, temper, violence, willpower.
Some keywords for Uranus:
Breakdown, breakthrough, change, chaos, creativity, detachment, deviance, eccentricity, electricity, excitement, experimentation, fellowship, freedom, future expectations, humanity, independence, individuality, innovation, intuition, liberation, originality, revolution, social awareness, sudden change, technology, truthfulness, universal mind, unpredictable, upheaval
As you can see the both planets have quite intense energies. In an opposition, this combination of energies can bring explosive, unstable and somewhat chaotic energies that challenge the status quo.
The sign of the new moon taking place is of course quite significant. Scorpio keywords include:
Charisma, compulsion, control, covert, death, depth, desire, destruction, detective, determination, devotion, drive, emotion, fixation, empathy, jealousy, intensity, intuition, magnetism, mastery, mystery, observant, obsession, passion, penetration, possession, power, pride, psychology, regeneration, resentment, secrets, self destruction, sexuality, spirituality, survival, transformation, trauma, turbulence, vengeance.
So putting all this together we have a new moon that's incredibly intense and can be quite explosive. Mars in Scorpio will help us to have a laser focus and remove any distractions or unwanted draining of energy. Uranus’ opposition can mean that there's something that triggers you into action at this time. Emotions can be intense. In astrology water rules emotions and Scorpio is a fixed water sign. What have your emotions been so fixed on that you've been unwilling to change? Or perhaps it is your intensity of emotions about a particular topic that pushes you to make that change. It's time to transform. There could be a lot of abrupt endings and new beginnings. Be on the lookout for conflicts as feelings that have been internalized could burst out uncontrollably at this time. Do your best to remain grounded. Energies surrounding this new moon can materialize as power struggles and intense catalytic situations -bear in mind you can start to feel the effects of lunations up to a week before.
Something significant & worthy of mention is that the Scorpio/Taurus axis is one of finances- wealth, money and resources so situations that materialize and that you're driven to change might be fueled by financial stability and shared resources. As I’ve mentioned many times, new moons are portals for manifestation. A time to sow the seeds of our desires. So how can you use these energies? Well, what do you want to change and transform? What's been nagging at you? What are you willing to put effort, focus and will power into in order to have it manifest? Who do you need to prove wrong? What are you determined to materialize? What action can you take that will drastically transform some area of your life? Taking tangible action towards change, improvement and transformation is a fantastic way to align yourself with the energies of this new moon. Changes that you make at this time could come across to others as though you've gone completely out of character. However you will know internally that you're absolutely sick of some situation or circumstance and you're willing to take required action to see some real transformation. You are on the right track. Remember Mars is action. Sitting around waiting for something to change for you won't do just now. It’s important to DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.
Side note: Mars in conjunction with the sun at this time marks the beginning of a new two year cycle, so what you decide to imprint at this time is what your focus will be over the next two years. Take control and be intentional about what you would like to use this very powerful energy for.
Food for thought by sign(rising, moon & sun):
What requires action and transformation in:
Scorpio 1ST HOUSE , Sagittarius 12TH HOUSE, Capricorn 11TH HOUSE, Aquarius 10TH HOUSE, Pisces 9TH HOUSE, Aries 8TH HOUSE , Taurus 7TH HOUSE , Gemini 6TH HOUSE, Cancer 5TH HOUSE , Leo 4TH HOUSE , Virgo 3RD HOUSE, Libra 2ND HOUSE