New Moon in Pisces

New Moon in Pisces

Tune into your core desires 

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The New Moon in Pisces on the 10th of March 2024 is a quiet, introspective new moon. What’s most significant is that it's the final new moon you can safely use for setting intentions before the drama begins with our luminaries. The drama being the upcoming lunar eclipse, the solar eclipse, the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus as well as our lovely Mercury going retrograde.

You may not feel the upcoming eclipses or conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus however, this all depends on your natal chart placements. If you have your natal chart, check if you have any planets or angles close to 19° Aries or 5° Libra and 21° of Taurus. If so, these lunations will definitely have an effect on you. 

***Keep in mind New Moon energies are active for two weeks whilst it is waxing so you certainly still have time to call in the power of this new moon phase to aid in manifestation***

The best thing to do at the time of this new moon is to become deeply introspective. Go within and think about how you can solidify some plans for the imaginative, creative, inner longings and desires that you want to manifest. What serious steps Can you take to actualise the big dreams that you have.

This new moon is very close to Neptune as well as Saturn. Neptune, ruler of Pisces is a planet of escapism and fantasy. It can be quite nebulous so at this time you might be feeling a bit ungrounded and a bit unsure of yourself, there could be a hazy feeling of confusion and that is because of Neptune's influence on this new moon, the best thing to do is to meditate. Take 10 or more minutes or more before you rise up in the morning or before bed at night and imagine how your perfect reality looks. How can you add form to your desires? How can you be of service to yourself and others through your creative endeavours?

Saturn is also close to this new moon, so you might be questioning how you can make your dreams a reality. How can you manifest the larger goals? At this time, they may feel out of reach. Remember Neptune ruled Pisces is all about the unseen so use the unseen to manifest. Visualization is extremely powerful at this time. Colour in your desires with the paintbrush of your mind, see your desired reality as though you were living it.

Something really important to keep in mind about your intentions that you set for this new moon is how would your desires benefit other people? Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and very altruistic, Piscean energetic themes include dissolving boundaries. You will surely have support from the universe if your desires aren’t solely for your benefit. Keep in mind that with Pluto now transiting Aquarius, it’s all about the many rather than the few. Selfish desires will be less fulfilling or fruitful over the next 20 years. Therefore place yourself well in order that others are benefiting from your desired success and benevolent outcomes. 

This new moon is making a connection to your inner realm, even if you don’t take any physical action, deciding to activate your desires through decisive goal oriented thought alone is still taking action. It’s all very energetically based. There is an undercurrent of change afoot so take this opportunity to work with the universe in manifesting your will. Check where the sign of Pisces is in your chart as this will add further dimension and nuance about the area of your life that this new moon is calling to.

Keywords for Pisces include adaptable, dreamer changeable, creative elusive, emotional empathic, escapist, expansive, fluid, gentle, healing, idealistic, imaginative, inspiration, instinct, intuition, kindness, malleable, moody, merging, mysticism, nebulousness, receptive, reflective, psychic, self, facing sensitive, sentimentality, slippery soulful, sympathetic, transcendent, vague, vulnerable, unconditional love, universality.

Something else to keep in mind is Pisces’ key phrase which is ‘I believe’. 

Have a look at what house it is happening in for you based on your RISING SIGN

Pisces 1st, Aquarius 2nd, Capricorn 3rd, Sagittarius- 4th, Scorpio 5th, Libra 6th, Virgo 7th, Leo 8th, Cancer 9th, Gemini 10th, Taurus 11th, Aries 12th

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