New Moon in Leo

New Moon in Leo

Time to shine :) 

#19 The Sun: Joy - optimism - opportunities


On the 16th of August 2023 we have a New Moon in Leo at 23 degrees at 10:38 am GMT 


Leo is about confidence, self expression, presence, doing your own thing, romance, true love, dating, children, childbirth, creativity, inner child, hobbies, fun, pleasure, attraction & being seen. Leo is ruled by the sun so think of that sunny enthusiastic, healing, vibrant energy. 


This new moon might have you willing to go the extra mile whilst feeling a sense of enthusiasm and focus when it comes to the new beginnings you initiate. 


The new moon at 23 degrees of Leo is close to the recently retrograding Venus at 18 degrees also in Leo. When a planet is in retrograde motion, we are redoing, reconsidering and redefining its themes. Venus rules love, money & beauty so not only have you been reconsidering these things recently due to the retrograde, this new moon could be the perfect time to begin taking tangible actions towards the new directions that you’ve been ruminating about. Previous ways of making money might be interesting again. You could rekindle a love relationship, go back to an old beauty regime, way of dressing, or previous creative outlets. 


This is a good time to ask yourself questions such as: Are there other ways I can make money? Am I loving myself correctly? Is this relationship right for me? The house in your chart Venus is currently transiting will tell you a lot about what area of your life Venus is supporting you in redevelopment. There will be a lot of introspection and reevaluation in your Leo ruled areas. Venus retrograde will continue until the 3rd of September 2023. 


Relationships are further highlighted during this lunation with Juno’s presence at the very beginning of Leo at 0 degrees. Juno is the asteroid that rules relationships. So although it might not be a romantic partnership in particular, partnerships of all kinds will be highlighted. 


If there was a new moon to set intentions for renewal rather than start a totally brand new venture, this is it. It’s worth mentioning there are no major aspects to Saturn during this lunation. Saturn rules hard work and limitations so with it not present at the party, whatever you initiate should flow easily and feel unlimited. You can really embrace and surrender into those Leo archetypes. 


The new moon is in an exact square with Uranus. Outer planet Uranus is all about the shocking, electric and disruptive so there could be an element of that when it comes to what transpires during this time. Although this square to Uranus may bring with it an element of surprise, Venus which is squaring Jupiter. Jupiter always adds an element of ease and good luck wherever present. So whatever shocks, surprises, unexpected changes or challenges there might be, Jupiter soothes by adding optimism, hope and joy.


So, do you have the courage to really embody those Leo qualities and start a new beginning? Becoming vibrant, joyful, brave and really shining your inner light? You have an opportunity now to do things differently. Rekindle relationships if you need to, drop those that are holding you back. Nurture your inner child. It is all about you. 


Of course, you can use the new moon to set intentions for manifesting whatever your desires might be. However, by setting your wishes and intentions along the lines of the themes of the house in which the new moon takes place for you, as well as the sign of the new moon, it helps your manifestations carry further. 


Mars trines Uranus moments after this new moon so that it is speaking towards taking action, having sudden insights, sudden breakthroughs & invigorating surprises. As Mars is in the earth sign of Virgo, it can be solid, visible and tangible ways of starting something new, or launching something you’ve been working on. 


This is really the perfect time to put yourself out there and shine your light! 

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