New Moon in Aquarius

New Moon in Aquarius

Your new identity


Firstly I’d like to ask you to think back to last year and your intentions set for your coming year/future. How far have you come? How have your desires manifested, changed or evolved? 


This new moon is intensely future oriented. It’s your new moon for long term planning and deciding what direction you would like to set off on and that's for the next 20 years of your life. Seeds sown at this time and desires chased are placing you in prime position to choose how your life will unfold over the next couple of decades. 


Pluto recently made its ingress into Aquarius. Within the themes of the  Aquarius part of your chart you’ve been ruminating, yearning  for freedom and a fresh outlook. You've become bored of how things are or what you're used to. You are asking yourself. How can I do things differently? How can we all do things differently? What do I have to offer my fellow humans and in turn myself?  


You're probably ready to take action in the direction of your future and you will have support from the universe in doing so. The particular area of your life in which this lunation takes place is exactly where your energies are best directed at this moment. Even if you don't take any outwardly action, the energy is brewing and you may or may not have noticed the quiet upheaval that's taking place. 


Change, disruption and derailment. All of these things are possibilities during this time. Something will never be the same again. Deep down inside you know that is how things have to be. There's a new age feel to this Uranian initiation.


You could be feeling like “Yes! It’s MY time. Step aside”  It really is all about you right now and what part you will play in the collective new beginning that we are ALL being ushered into. It might be a quiet new moon, but don't let that fool you. We are being gently initiated into the beginning of the rest of our lives. 


How can you best place yourself to benefit from the future that's upon us? Below are keywords for the sign of Aquarius and planet Uranus. These themes play a major role at this time. How can you apply them and use the energy beneficially? (Uranus rules Aquarius so similar themes) 


Check what house it takes place in for you (from the rising sign). This is where you have the brightest green light. The universe says go for it! 


Aquarius: Eccentricity, Equality, Fairness, Fellowship, Freedom, Free thinking, Future oriented, Humanitarian, Individual, Ingenuity, Innovation, Technological, Social, Scientific, Revolutionary, Reform, Rebellion, Progressive, Original, Intellect


Uranus: breakthrough, breakdown, change, electricity, excitement, experimentation, future, genius, higher mind, humanity, independence, upheaval, universal mind, unexpected, truth, technology, sudden change, social awareness, science, non-conformity, liberation, innovation 


Aquarius, House 1 

Pisces, House 12 

Aries, House 11

Taurus, House 10 

Gemini, House 9

Cancer House 8

Leo, House 7 

Virgo, House 6

Libra, House 5

Scorpio, House 4

Sagittarius, House 3 

Capricorn House 2 

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