The new moon in Libra taking place on the 14th of November at 07:00PM isn't for setting intentions, it occurs with an eclipse. Eclipses are portals of change that cannot be shaped or molded. Rather, it is best to allow the universe to reveal what requires renewal and transformation.
The energy of an eclipse is not present just on the very day, hour and minute it takes place. Themes that are highlighted for you will probably start becoming present within your consciousness about a month before the eclipse. Always check the house in your natal chart where the eclipse is taking place for you and especially if you have any significant placements that will be triggered in aspect. In this case it is at 21° of Libra. It will take about a year for the full effects of this eclipse to unfold and become integrated into your life.
As this eclipse takes place in the sign of Libra, things that come up could be to do with Libra themes of relationships, partnerships, collaborations, fairness, contracts, agreements, clients and friendships. If anything does fall apart for you, it is inevitably so that new, more aligned circumstances can fall into place. This especially if you have placements in Libra close to the 21st degree or placements around 21° of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)
Generally, you may have recently been weighing up and going back and forth on how valuable a person, place or thing is, if it is worth holding onto and if agreements are truly mutually beneficial. You will most probably need to give one thing and go for something else that could be initially uncomfortable but ultimately a better fit. The best option might not be what feels safest, but what you know is the wisest. If you’re hit by this eclipse, look for what you can change willingly rather than holding on super tightly to outdated scenarios. If the universe steps in for you and manifests changes forcibly, it can be quite chaotic.
During eclipses there’s usually a breakdown of something that isn’t quite working. A change to the way things usually operate, (check the themes of the house that it takes place in for you) this happens to put you in better alignment with your destiny. A course correction if you will. Something will need to be released in order to make room for a new trajectory. The change that takes place could be good or bad, exciting or disappointing but it will be pivotal.
With the square to Pluto, your dissatisfaction with something might become so intense that you are willing to give up and welcome any transformation that takes place as a result. It is certainly a good time to explore alternative options. Aside from this square, there aren’t any other major aspects, which makes the eclipse itself the focus at the time of this new moon.
This eclipse occurs within 4° of the south node. The south node represents release, purging, letting go and purifying. All the more reason why this is not a time for actively manifesting and setting intentions and better to allow and surrender. Become willing to give up whatever you have been holding onto but perhaps deep down you know hasn’t been serving or fulfilling you. It is time for change and a new approach.
Venus the ruler of the eclipse is in Virgo, the sign of its fall. So we can assume the shadow side themes of Libra might come up to be confronted; over-compromising, not making a decision, overplaying devil's advocate, etc. This can be a time when you start to see how these behaviors are not serving you. Venus is also in opposition to Saturn the great taskmaster which adds a level of seriousness. The things Venus rules, such as luxuries, finances, pleasure, romance, relationships and socializing may carry an added tone of seriousness at this time.
Spending time alone would be highly beneficial during this lunation. It is a time for reconsideration so that you can think on how you might be blocking your own abundance and blessings through libras shadow side themes as previously mentioned. Through reflection you can better understand why it is best to break free from old situations, habits and relations that don't serve you.
Xx Eli
Check below for further guidance on what area of your life this eclipse is lighting up. For more specific information about your own chart, I’m available at elicosmic777@gmail.com

Check from your rising sign, moon and sun :)
Libra - 1st
Scorpio - 12th
Sagittarius - 11th
Capricorn - 10th
Aquarius - 9th
Pisces - 8th
Aries - 7th
Taurus - 6th
Gemini - 5th
Cancer - 4th
Leo - 3rd
Virgo - 2nd