#12 The Hanged Man: Enlightenment through surrender
The new moon in Gemini on the 18th of June 2023 was contradictory. Although it would have brought some clarity and a sense of newness, there was an added element of confusion due to Neptune’s influence.
Gemini rules communication, information, short distance travel, thinking, perception, the mind and research. Neptune’s themes are confusion, nebulousness, uncertainty, and a lack of clarity. It was best to stay grounded during this new moon phase, harness those neptunian energies in visualization, and to gain an insight into your path. Thoughts become things and this new moon phase is a great time to use the power of your thoughts and imagination to attract the circumstances you desire. Avoid escapism with the use of substances as this will disrupt your clear channel to universal downloads. There may have been a general sense of emotional overwhelm, despondency and sadness.
It’s important that you double check all information and communication that came in during this period to be sure there wasn’t something you missed. This new moon would have been mentally active with new information downloads both by word of mouth and internally. But the square to Neptune made it quite nebulous and ungrounded. You may need to wait to discover certain information that may have been missed and to feel a sense of certainty when it comes to any decisions you may have made.
If there’s anything you launched or agreed to, be prepared to discover facts that might have been missed whether that be due to accidental or purposeful omission. For some it would have been a dramatic, quick paced and communicative new moon. Be sure to look out for any new things coming to your attention that may be too good to be true. Try not to force anything in case you miss some vital information.
Although there’s a little bit of confusion, the energies accompanying this new moon may have given you the ability to perceive something from a different perspective and gain more clarity in some situations. Gemini is also about choices so at the time of this new moon you may be reflecting on choices you will need to make. If you are in this situation, really tune into your intuition in order to make the best decision for you.
This new moon was more of a receptive, allowing energy than an active one like the previous new moon in Aries. The upcoming new moon in Cancer on the 17th of July is very interesting indeed and there’s a lot more happening. It’ll be ripe for setting intentions so be sure to stay tuned for that update.
The full moon in Capricorn takes place on the 3rd of July 2023. Full moons always represent culmination and completion. It's a time when things come into fruition and in the sign of Capricorn, this full moon is apt for showing off your achievements and accomplishments. Stepping back and looking at how far you’ve come and what you have built and manifested so far. Think back to six months ago during the time of the new moon in Capricorn. What intentions did you set for the new year and how far have you come? How much more work do you need to put in? Do you need to update your strategy?
During this full moon you could announce something that you’ve been working on. Solidifying your progress and outcomes is well indicated by this illumination. Juno in cancer points to an element of partnership so you might have worked with others on these achievements. It’s a great time for parties and celebrations and to acknowledge how much effort you’ve put into building something.
Whatever is culminating or being completed at this time, the universe welcomes you in feeling a sense of pride and anything needing to be let go of, release with ease. A great ritual for this new moon is writing down all of your accomplishments this year so far and all the good things that have happened to you whether big or small. Revel in a sense of gratitude and acknowledge that there’s a lot more coming, a lot more you’re building towards that you will inevitably be grateful for.
Check the house numbers in the image below for the area of your life where the new moon was highlighting and where the upcoming full moon will bring a sense of completion and culmination