Aries New Moon II - The Eclipse

Aries New Moon II - The Eclipse

Breakdown to breakthrough



On  20th April 2023 we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees of Aries 

First of all, it’s very rare to have a new moon in the same sign as the previous new moon. Secondly, it takes place at 29 degrees of Aries meanwhile the previous was at 0 degrees (0 & 29 are considered critical degrees because they hold the most potent manifestation of that sign’s archetypes). 

The universe conspires to catalyze cardinal movement, change and transformation in our lives. The new moon at 0 degrees was an opportunity to create space for this. I mentioned in the last update cutting away things that were not working. 

This process will have created some room for the metamorphosis that will take place for you over the next few days, weeks, months and even years to come. Whatever manifests as a result of this eclipse should be easier to tend and manage as you would have removed excess baggage, whether that be physically or mentally. 

Solar Eclipses are very pivotal and Aries is a sign of new beginnings and initiations. This eclipse will begin a process of transformation in a specific realm in your life; however, this is not a time to set intentions. Eclipse energies are volatile. It’s like a new moon on steroids because it involves the north node (also known as the head of the dragon). It is not advisable to use these energies but rather, wait and see what the universe intends for you. 

The Eclipse conceals, so better to wait until things are clear and you have a certain sense of direction. 

Observe the themes and energies that are becoming apparent to you at this time. If you want to begin or launch any brand new venture, it is best to wait until the heightened forces have relaxed a little (from May 6th). This is a new moon that acknowledges how far you’ve come. 

***Think back to April 2004, was there anything significant happening in your life during that time in connection with the area of life this eclipse will illuminate? (Check the list in the previous update) What did you learn from that experience? You will notice similar trends***

This eclipse marks the start of new eclipse cycles in the signs of Aries and Libra which will go on for the next 18 months. So be aware that themes to do with whatever area in your chart this eclipse is connected to will continue being reshaped, remolded and renewed. It’s almost like the universe polishing and faceting that area through your growth and learning & experiences. 

This new moon is conjunct Jupiter. Planet of luck, abundance and wisdom. I believe that whatever manifests , you will have some cosmic support and protection. Whatever materializes will be for your highest good. Use your wisdom. Though eclipses can be intense, this one is overall positive. Of course, your mind as always is the most important asset here. Jupiter rules beliefs so your belief that you are protected and loved by an abundant universe is of paramount importance for the best possible outcome. Jupiter provides a cosmic gateway for luck. 

Pluto is heavily involved in the form of a square to Jupiter, the Sun and the Moon. 

Pluto rules transformations, the hidden, death. This tells me there will be major endings that lead to new beginnings. Death of the old to welcome the new. Transformations involve wiping the slate clean, starting over, and of course revelation of things that were previously hidden or unknown whether that be with ease or by force. 

So go gently into your new cycles, wait and see what you haven’t yet seen and look forward to the newness that you are about to create in your world. The universe is in support of you pivoting on the way you approach things. Prepare to build new foundations now.

Take stock of how far you’ve come and use that to motivate and propel you into your new reality. 

See my previous post for the areas of your life that you are likely to experience these changes, transformations and new beginnings based on your rising sign. It will be the same as the previous. 

If you have any planets at 29 degrees in your chart, you will have more obvious manifestations. 

Also if you have any planets or significant placements between 27 degrees of Aries -  3 degrees of Taurus. This is the beginning of a brand new trajectory for you. 

A good way to consciously use these energies would be to write down all of your proudest achievements thus far and feel a sense of self reverence and pride whilst knowing that there are even more conquests to come. 

Xx Eli 

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