Assert yourself

Aries Major Arcana Card: The Emperor
Image from ‘The Luminous Tarot’ by Brigid Ashwood
Step right up and claim what is rightfully yours.
The New Moon in Aries on the 21st of March 2023 at 17:23 PM was the penultimate New Moon.
- The Spring Equinox took place less than 24 hours beforehand
- It was at 0 degrees of Aries
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac therefore the Sun’s ingress into Aries marks the Astrological new year. It is worth mentioning that the new moon in Aries doesn’t always happen at the 0 degree of Aries and neither does it take place less than 24 hours after the Equinox. That is why this new moon is so very exciting!
Ruled by the planet Mars, this new moon is about quick, decisive, direct, forward moving action. Be assertive, cut ties with anything that is no longer serving you and do it with swiftness. Mars rules sharp objects, whatever’s not working, cut-it-out. March boldly into new territory and lay claim to what is yours both in the physical and metaphysical level.
This new moon is conjunct Mercury (planet of communication) so speak what you want into existence, communicate with others on the same wavelength. Find safe spaces where you can share your desires with others who create fertile ground by holding space for the validation of your hopes, wishes, dreams and desires.
Jupiter and Chiron who are also conjunct in Aries at the time of this new moon gives an opportunity to heal any beliefs or wounds you have within yourself. Jupiter rules beliefs, aspirations, the higher mind, luck & expansion. Whilst Chiron rules healing, wounds, cleansing & acceptance.
All new moons are about sowing seeds and setting intentions. Go for it! The energies around this new moon support you all the more if it’s something new, fresh, exciting, innovative. Even if it makes you a little bit scared, be brave (and go for it!). Over the next two weeks you are passionately supported by the universe. You are more than capable of changing and adapting. Take action and do what motivates you :)
Your personal guide to this new moon
Check your rising sign below to discover what house in your chart the New Moon will take place in. Themes to do with the house might already be appearing in your life.
I use Western Tropical Zodiac system
To find out your rising sign go to to create your chart (will need birth time)
Aries - 1st House (You. Your entire life)
Taurus - 12th House (Your subconscious mind, your inner world)
Gemini - 11th House (What you put out there, who you are out there)
Cancer - 10th House (Your career, what you’re known for)
Leo - 9th House (Your beliefs, hopes & wishes)
Virgo - 8th House (What you give and receive from others, long term investments)
Libra - 7th house (Relationships & Partnerships
Scorpio - 6th House (Daily work, Health)
Sagittarius - 5th House (Fun, Creativity, Children)
Capricorn - 4th House (Family, Ancestry, place of living)
Aquarius - 3rd House (Siblings, Friends, Neighbours)
Pisces - 2nd House ( Money, Assets)