The New moon on the 21st of January, 20:53 is the first of the year and is a potent portal for manifestation, transformation and steering your life in the direction you desire.

(Image: The Magician Tarot Card by Luminous July Via- Artstation)
I call this the Magicians new moon as it is the first of a series of 5 new moons happening at 0 degrees of the sign it takes place in. 0 degrees of the signs represent initiation, beginning, momentum. Think of the moment a sword pierces an object.
This is THE new moon that kickstarts your entire year. Using this new moon’s auspicious energy, is an opportunity to take life by the reins and sow the seeds of transformation and acceleration in whichever way you desire.
It is the perfect time to initiate something. Whatever you start will have the energetic signature of this incredible forward momentum. Now I will start to add some astrological terms involving planets. This will explain exactly why this is a potent time for manifesting your desires into reality.
Right after this New Moon, on the 23rd of January, Uranus is out of retrograde which means all planets are direct. No, it is not only Mercury that goes retrograde, all the planets do. It’s just that we notice Mercury more significantly because it rules, communication, travel, writing, documents commerce, things with moving parts. Things we experience daily that keep the world ‘moving’ so we’re bound to notice when things are not flowing as easily as usual.
Mercury moves direct on the 18th just a couple of days before this new moon and is visible from the 21st. Anything mercurial you initiate after the 21st will be very successful. As mentioned previously, this is things to do with transactions, meetings, short travel, anything written or spoken, publishing, blogs, articles, social media, documentation, signing documents, public speaking, media, buying things with moving parts, electronics (never buy things with moving parts during a retrograde because you will have issues with them whenever there’s a retrograde).
Significantly, this new moon takes place in Aquarius whose themes include rebellion, progress & future thinking. Now is the time to rebel against your current circumstances. Begin to think about your future and long term plans. Start making progress towards positive change. You might feel this already rousing within yourself. You can recalibrate in terms of the changes you’ve been intending to make and really start to build momentum.
Further themes connected with Aquarius include societies, groups, organizations, social connections, innovative thinking & new ideas. You can now use or work within these themes to actualise your goals and make positive progress.
This new moon is conjunct Pluto meaning it has the ability to bring about healing and breakthroughs on a deep psychological level. It can be a cathartic new moon that brings deep soul level transformation, awareness and insight. There might be a small crisis that triggers change, but with Mars and Jupiter positively aspecting this new moon, the outcome will be beneficial.
Also, both Mars and Jupiter have recently gone direct and both make a positive connection to this new moon. This indicates that your intentions should flow with ease, results of action taken (Mars) will be blessed and positive (Jupiter). Initiate that new venture. Take purposeful action towards your hopes, wishes and desires. You will notice that things start to build momentum and move very fast. We should see this play out on a collective level too.
When the moon is full in the same sign of Aquarius in 6 months (1st of August 2023), you should be seeing and experiencing the beneficial and positive results of the seeds you sow at this time. Whatever you set your intentions and visions on at this time, you can easily find resources to support you, your actions will be fruitful, doors will open and you will be able to gain positive momentum with much more ease than at other times. This is such a positive and transformational new moon without any significant tough aspects which is rare. The cosmos beckons you to call in its power and support, WORK WITH IT!
Whatever opportunities present themselves at this time, be sure to take full advantage. Although you may not immediately see results, there is a strong sense of cosmic support at this time, it is as though cosmic energies are conspiring to ensure everything works out in your favour.
If you have your chart, check for any planets between 0-6 degrees of Aries. Its themes will play a significant part in what will change and transform in your life in a positive way. This is also where a lot of opportunities can present so be on the lookout. Also if you have anything etween 0-5 degrees of Gemini or Libra, things should flow super easily for you at this time.
And of course if you have anything between 26 degrees of Capricorn - 5 degrees of Aquarius and especially that exact 0 degrees of Aquarius.
For Solar placements, that’s if your birthday is between 17- 25th of January.

New Moon at 1 degrees Aquarius conjunct Pluto 28 degrees in Capricorn
Here are suggestions for actions you can take in support of your manifestations for those of you who are interested. Please kindly leave anything that doesn’t resonate for those who it will call to.
You are also welcome to do something not listed here that is significant for you that represents transformation.
P.s Saturday night all the way through to Sunday night is the most potent time :) however new moon energies will carry on through for up to two weeks.
Write a list
Draw yourself as you envision yourself
Talk about it
Make some auto-suggestive audios
Light a candle with intention
Dedicate a yoga session
Meditate- (Escalate your feelings of gratitude- bask in that feeling- add your visions-give thanks and gratitude)
Take a bath/ shower ( think about your intentions whilst you soak, feel that you are washing away any past obstacles to become reborn)
Charge some water with your intentions and drink it
Buy a plant or some seeds and dedicate it to your intentions (keep it healthy and repot it as necessary) know that as it grows so does your vision come to life
Get together with like minded people and collectively raise your vibrations (Manifestation Club meditations!)
Go deep within yourself and create your new life.