The Centaur
Shoot for the stars. Aim for higher truths, wisdom, knowledge, and experience.
2023’s Capricorn New moon at 20 of Capricorn is requiring you to expand your horizons and maybe do things differently. There might be a bit of confusion at this time as to how to move forward but by connecting to your inner self you can intuitively get a hint on the best way to go on.
Keywords for Sagittarius include:
Adventure, beliefs, changeable, enthusiasm, exaggeration, expansiveness, exploration, frank, freedom seeking, future oriented, higher learning, honesty, idealism, intelligence, jovial, knowledge, moralistic, optimism, philosophical, quest, questioning, recklessness, spontaneity, travel, versatility
Sagittarius is the sign of learning. What mistakes have you made? How have you learned from these mistakes & how does it inform the way in which you proceed? Mars is conjunct with this new moon which adds an element of warrior like determination and impetuousness. Where can you be more proactive and take decided action towards change and growth?
Neptune’s square aspect to this new moon is the most noteworthy. Neptune is all about spirituality. You may need to go on a spiritual quest in order to find meaning and enlightenment. Do be patient and decided in your actions as Neptune also indicates illusions, confusion, deception and delusions. You might have some confusion and fear of the unknown when it comes to how best to move forward with your intentions. That is why at this time some connection with your inner self is required in order to gain better clarity.
Mercury going retrograde right after this new moon communicates that it’s really about going over something you might have left before. What do you need to redo, re-edit or revisit? Are there any ideas you’ve had in the past or started that you can continue on with now? The Sagittarian energies of expansion can make that so much more possible for you now and in turn you will ultimately expand your horizons, learn, and grow in ways you may not have thought possible previously.
Check what house Sagittarius rules in your chart. Look at the keywords for that area of life. What actions can be taken to change and improve things here? How can you expand it? What have you been confused or unsure about in the past with regards to the topics of this house, that you have gained more knowledge and clarity about? Think big. Look further than what you thought was possible here.
Next year marks the beginning of a new epoch for humanity due to major planetary transits that we will have. More on that soon.
I hope you’ve all had a wonderful year with many wins, and remember, there are always blessings to count. Trust in the unknown and keep your forward motion.
Aries- 9th House
Taurus- 8th House
Gemini- 7th House
Cancer- 6th House
Leo- 5th House
Virgo- 4th House
Libra- 3rd House
Scorpio- 2nd House
Sagittarius- 1st house
Capricorn- 12th house
Aquarius- 11th House
Pisces- 10th House