2024 Bonus Update

2024 Bonus Update

2024: Change Challenge Chance

Written by: Elizabeth Lopes 

Exclusively for Polly Bateman’s Manifestation Club 

Due to the last update being delivered much later than the New Moon, I have prepared an overview of what’s to come for us collectively. This overview discusses what will likely materialize on a global scale and will hopefully leave you well informed on how to best place yourself this year and beyond. 

Saturn and Jupiter are in Sextile for the first three months of 2024 and all planets are in direct motion. Now is the time to initiate. The things that you begin now are more likely to be long-lasting and fruitful. What an auspicious time for starting something new!

Pluto enters Aquarius at the very beginning of 2024.

The last time Pluto was in Aquarius, there was the French Revolution. Every time Pluto enters a new sign, there are significant events. We had a taster when Pluto was in Aquarius during March, April and May 2023. During this period, we saw rapid developments in AI and ChatGPT.  These technologies transformed our lives in just a few months! Now, AI technologies are being used daily with more and more advancements and development. 

Based on those trends during 2023, we can expect more advancements in artificial intelligence and AI technologies. This tech will become more and more implemented in our daily lives. Things will rapidly become more futuristic. 


Of course, Pluto is in Aquarius for 20 years, so it will take 20 years for all these new technologies to become integrated and normalized. Aquarius rules wave technologies & frequencies that we use but cannot see. There will be many advancements when it comes to our mental capacities as human beings and our connection with tech. 

We might start to see more prominently detriments in the way technology is being abused by society. As ever the double-edged sword is present. We will also see exponential advancements and progression in society and human consciousness on a collective level thanks to tech. As a result, there will probably be an even greater shift of power towards technocrats as a result of all the advancement and innovation in this sector.

With all this, it is ever more important to stay grounded and implement techniques and habits that allow more of a connection to nature and the natural world. Balance. 

We will collectively start to dig deeper, question the powers that be and demand truths. A lot of this will play out online. Aquarius rules humanity. Pluto is a planet of digging deep and the quest for truth. During Pluto's transit in Aquarius, people will start to take action, and speak out, coming together and revolting against the reigning Plutocracy. 

It is worth noting that this year, the chart for the European Union is very active so we might see some shifts and changes when it comes to the EU with some member countries leaving, joining or some kind of crisis when it comes to the European Union.

When Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn in the last quarter of the year, we will see big changes in governments.

There could be a push from the powers that be to control people through misinformation and confusion of the rational mind. Also possible is a push to limit free speech however, this will become obvious to the public and there's likely to be pushback. Another thing Aquarius represents is rebellion; there will be extremely intense clashes. The collective will demand that their voices be heard. 

We are truly on an accelerated path of change in our level of consciousness as human beings. For example, The Law of Attraction and similar concepts have recently become popular & well known meanwhile, 17 years ago when I discovered 'The Secret’ by Rhona Byrne LOA was much less popular. Information that enlightens and liberates is spreading very quickly now. 

Historically, Pluto's transit through Aquarius has been a time of decrease in population. There can be lower birth rates and higher death rates.

Source: Twitter 

If you are looking to increase your income during this 20-year transit, think of Aquarian means: science, technology, social reform, social work, teaching, psychology, philosophy, astrology, consultancy, oil & gas, air force, space, and defense.  

Another big transit this year is Saturn in Pisces. Pisces is water and Saturn is restriction. There can be flooding and/or droughts caused by a lack of water. Pisces rules the pharmaceutical industry & Saturn instigates corrective measures. There could be a push to lessen the power and influence of big pharmaceutical corporations. People may start to question big corporation's immunity from the law and we could also start to see doctors and healthcare practitioners whistleblowing on malpractice within the industry.

As Saturn moves closer to Neptune in Pisces later this year and through 2025, we could start to see some kind of disease or pandemic materialize again. Saturn in Pisces could also be death from unknown illnesses, so this could become more prevalent. 

Source: BBC 

There could also be an escalation in issues to do with refugees, borders, xenophobia, religious tensions, fanaticism and fundamentalism. 


Uranus conjuncts Jupiter once every 13 years; this year it’s in the sign of Taurus. Directing your energy towards anything to do with knowledge or wisdom is very good to start during the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus. If you feel called to study something new or deepen your knowledge of existing interests, this would be a perfect time to do so. Broadening your knowledge of subjects such as astrology, human design, psychology or anything that requires deeper knowledge and analysis is a great way to use this aspect.

Taurus rules the food system, so there could be innovations in food. Both beneficial as well as more artificial and detrimental solutions. 

Taurus rules money, so there could be innovations when it comes to money, the way we spend it, the currency we spend, and financial systems in general. We are likely to see rapid changes in the stock value of some digital currencies. For those with an interest in the stock market, this could be a time when large gains are made. Of course, be very careful because this is also a time when large losses could occur. Discernment is key. 

In general, there are plenty of opportunities to grow wealth this year. There will almost certainly be a sudden growth in finances for some individuals.

Ride the waves but stay grounded, innovate, create value, grow your networks, create and join new ones, use the internet, and publish. 

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